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How It Works

Our philosophy at As You Wish Travel Club is, "Relax, We Got It."

An As You Wish Travel Club adventure is an authentic, unique, and a soul-filling experience that you will never forget.

Our intention is to make exploration as accessible as possible for a diverse range of travelers. Our tours are specially designed to give clients flexibility to choose from 1-4 star accommodations, street vendors or fine dining, and tours ranging from $30 to $250. Depending on your preference, you can enjoy the beautiful culture and history and have an intimate experience of everyday life, as you wish.


As You Wish Travel Club membership also gives you password access to the locations of the highest rated hospitals, masseurs, textile and artisan shops, and tourist attractions. You can expect a personalized experience built especially just for you, based on the kind of tour that you're looking for.

By joining As You Wish Travel Club, you will gain access to our library of insider knowledge of the hottest bars, best priced tours, and the most beautiful locations that you absolutely cannot miss. Our wonderfully curated lists are full of exciting excursions, delicious restaurants, and so much more, that we provide to you once you've joined As You Wish Travel Club!

As You Wish Travel Club diligently researches our unique destinations, in order to give you the most authentic local experiences.

Our staff are well versed in the country, history, customs, food, unusual areas of interest, and little known information about the people.

As You Wish Travel Club will provide you with tour and activity options that focus on cuisine, spirituality, adventure, and culture. Our membership library gives you suggestions on shops, landmarks, things to do when not touring, and other information of interest.

Whether your focus is on food and tasting all the flavors on offer, exploring fantastic environments and getting closer to nature, or learning directly from locals and discovering ancestral indigenous teachings, we have it all available for your enjoyment.

Relax, we got it!

Our business model is linked to giving back to others and communities.

Tour participants can customize their trip and control the activities they want to participate in and the amount they want to spend.


An innovative concept, you can choose from three activities in the morning and afternoon.


Each will be accompanied by a staff member.


Prices and activity time will vary.

Staff of As You Wish Travel Club will accompany each tour and one will always be available to arrange daily activities and assist, i.e., meal reservations, performance tickets, massages, etc.


It’s like having your own personal concierge.


Our staff are bilingual and will translate, in each country, when needed during group outings.

Beyond the pride we have in our outstanding tours, Wendy Johnson is passionate about mentoring young men and women.


It has been a key element of each successful business and project she has created and led. The goal is to provide hands on leadership experience that will lead to our mentees one day opening a successful business in their own country!

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